
Free testsoon CCNP pass4sure dumps testking questions

Many people are learning through the CCNP to have some network knowledge. The old version of the CCNP exam course is about normal data communication, of course, also involves a number of multimedia, intelligent networks and wireless LAN’s content, but relatively speaking, the content of this field is relatively small. But now the network is not only the communication between the data, he also need to have voice, video, seamless wireless local area network access. Since the emergence of these new applications, we need our network a high degree of intelligence, as large as possible to provide bandwidth utilization. Address the increasing scarcity, but also we need to learn more about ways to improve address utilization.

Network security has always been very important that we face a problem, viruses, hackers, Trojans and other technologies continue to improve, to make attacks more simple, but for the protection of our network, the problems faced by more and more. Older versions of courses in this area that involves very limited. Comparison of the CCNP launched earlier time. Although in constant revision. But there are some older technology in teaching, in fact, these technologies in today’s network is basically unused, the students learned, I felt less than very technical too old for, but also a waste of time. For example, some modem access applications. So students have very strong request that as much as possible to learn some of the day, as a useful technology, according to some participants that Cisco to feedback from the new arrangement of the CCNP tutorials and CCNP exam.

The emergence of new technologies for hardware devices have higher requirements, Cisco introduced the ISR router, and some higher performance switching equipment, equipment for the mainstream, out of touch some of the original course, often need new equipment is training to complete. For this situation, the materials also have to design requirements.

From the above analysis of link devices, we can also see the new textbooks in this area made a great changes. Closer to the current market environment.

BSCI: the smallest changes in the routing of course, originally Well, these routing protocols are the same decades, the classic stuff, fine-tuning of the RIP and IGRP is that there are basically completely disappeared from the BSCI, advanced routing protocols EIGRP will start from the , the other is multicast from the BCMSN moved to here.

BCMSN: VLAN, spanning tree, the classic three-tier exchange the contents of these did not change, multicast has been moved inside to the BSCI, the so-called “minimum loss of campus network services and data theft” should still be in the original QoS and Based on the security content has been enhanced, the biggest change is the introduction of wireless and natural voice, of course, is only estimated to increase the basis of WLAN and voice only.

ISCW: This is not only an upgraded version of distance learning, and even the names have changed, the name can be seen from the many security added to the contents inside, inside the original asynchronous dial-up wide area networks, ISDN, frame relay and NAT are all deleted (Asynchronous Dial-up should have deleted, ISDN, FR, and NAT inside all on NA), VPN in addition to the original IPsec S2S, the increase EZVPN, then that is IOS security, including firewall feature, also add to the mix, and I think altogether it can be said of the CCSP SNRS move over most of the content, but it was just content to facilitate the interface between NP and SP, there is another important measure is the addition of the frame mode MPLS, you will find that after eliminating the mystery, MPLS The configuration is quite easy

ONT: the name is not called “Troubleshooting”, and change is called “optimization”, QoS come into the side is still differentiated service model, an additional automatic QoS This feature, as well as wireless security and basic wireless devices management.

From the above analysis we can see the course, through the existing course of study, we can reach most of the technology inside the network, so that a network of comprehensive understanding of the benefits of a great opportunity to not only access to the traditional routing exchange access technology, but also access to the security, VPN, wireless, intelligent network, IP telephony, voice, etc., of new technologies. So the new version of the CCNP exams is a big advantage of course.

CCNP new version of the examination subjects:
1. Must have a CCNA certificate
2. Must pass the CCNP exams, the current CCNP exams in two ways:
No. All the CCNP exam through the following test
642-901 BSCI (Building Scalable Cisco InternetWorks)
642-812 BCMSN (Building Converged Cisco Multilayer Switching Networks)
642-825 ISCW (Implementing Secure Converged Wide Area Networks)
642-845 ONT (Optimizing Converged Cisco Networks)
642-892 Composite (including BSCI, BCMSN)